upload = false, true, admins who can load. Anonymous authors cannot load ever
upload_images_only if is established, then it does not give to load something besides pictures. Pictures are determined with the aid of GD
upload_max_size the maximum permissible size of file, in KB
upload_max_per_user is how much file it can load one user (if it is not established, then as much as desired)
upload_path where are placed the public files
upload_path_per_page where are placed the nepublichnye files, attached to the concrete pages
N.B ensure quotes are removed around true values
3.2. Script for creating the table in DB
CREATE TABLE r4_upload (
id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
page_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
filename varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
description varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
uploaded_dt datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
filesize int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
picture_w int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
picture_h int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
file_ext varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
user varchar(80) NOT NULL default '0',
KEY page_id (page_id,filename),
KEY page_id_2 (page_id,uploaded_dt),
KEY user_id (user,page_id)
3.3. That it is necessary to guide in the file system
First, it is good in the standard delivery of installyatora to include these two catalogs (see above names) with the the standard of..yutachchess.
Secondly, to both these catalogs it is necessary to give rights to the record. Apparently, this mozhno/nuzhno to make only by hand. A question, must installyator or something check, are established rights?
4. Which remained to make
at catalog images lie two files & this of the pictures, which must be drawn, they reflect two statuses access it is forbidden and file is not found. This is made pictures in order to ensure correct work and with inklyudemente of the picture somewhere. Well and quip, inklyudement. Br.
it is necessary to alter all places, where is caused Link("file:XXX") and Link("_ file:" ) on something, which must be in the opinion Of kukutsa more adequate
it is necessary to make the link, which would work with all by the Vaca- syntaxes