
WackoWiki R4.2

/Wacko Documentation Bug tracker /Wacko CVS WackoNews WackoLocalizations

What the heck is this?

Small, lightweight, handy, expandable Wiki-clone written in PHP4.

This code was forked from WakkaWiki 0.1.2, with some patches from ChS,
wikini.net, some new actions from WakkaWiki.de
and essential amount of our own sourcecode.

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in order to receive notices when WackoWiki will be updated.


WackoWiki development team:

Great thanks & gratitude to all WackoWiki contributors we know about:

What`s new in R4.2 comparing to R4?

Version history

Version history can be found here.

What is the license?

You are free to everything. Hmm... almost =). See LICENSE file in installation pack.

If you are going to change (and especially enhance) this product.
so your changes could be included in next release of WackoWiki.

We`ve got WackoCVS working. Sense this smell? I do.

What system does it require?

Requires: php4.1, mysql
Works better under: apache+mod_rewrite.

Where could I download this delicious stuff?

File Formats: The zip format is great for Windows and OS X platforms. Linux command line users may be more comfortable with the tar.gz file. The files in each archive are identical.


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in order to receive notices when WackoWiki will be updated.

Where can I get additional themes?

Here — /Wacko Themes.
If you make your own theme, you can mail it to us.


Thank you for interested, long-suffered reading of this, hmm... junk? nevermind. Thanks anyway.